CEP Goals

1. By June 2024, Elementary School ELA data for all students will increase 3%, from 53% to 56%. The measurement tool will be the NYS ELA exam results.

2. By June 2024, Physical and Emotional Safety for all students will increase 10%, from 77% to 87%. The measurement tool will be internal student survey data.

3. By June 2024, Elementary School Math data for all students will increase 4%, from 46% to 50%. The measurement tool will be the NYS Math exam results.

4. By June 2024, All students will begin to develop a plan and pathway to future economic security. This will be measured by a 22% increase, from 53% to 75% in the Beable academic lesson score.

5. By June 2024, Family access to student work for all students will increase 3% from 94% to 97%. The measurement tool will be the NYC School Survey.

6. By June 2024, Chronic Absenteeism for all students will decrease 3%, from 28% to 25%. The measurement tool will be Insight Data Dashboard and the PAR report.

7. By June 2024, IEPs for all Students with Disabilities (SWD), will be strengthened and improve the comparative analysis of assessments and target skills indicated in the present level of performance (PLOP) by an increase of 10% from 47% to 57%. The measurement tool will be the IEP review checklist, IEP review protocol, and the Progress Monitoring Report for Measurable Annual Goals.