CEP Goals

Comprehensive Education Plan

  1. By June 2025, Elementary School ELA data for all students scoring at Levels 3 & 4 will increase 6%, from 44% to 50%. The measurement tool will be the NYS ELA exam results.  
  2. By June 2025, Elementary School Math data for all students scoring at Levels 3 & 4 will increase 3% from 61% to 64% The measurement tool will be the NYS Math exam results.
  3. By June 2025, physical and mental wellness for All Students will improve, as measured by a 5% increase, in percentage of students who feel safe in this school and have at least one adult they can talk to from 85% to 90%, per the Internal Student Survey Data.
  4. By June 2025, the percentage of students achieving an average academic lesson score greater than 70% for All Students will Increase by 10% from 16% to 26%. This measurement tool will be the Beable average academic lesson score.
  5. By June 2025, the number of parents/families attending in school workshops will increase by 4.5% from 1.5% to 6%. This will be measured by the Parent Workshop Attendance Reports.
  6. By June 2025, the Chronic Absenteeism Rate for All Students will decrease by 6% from 31% to 25%. The measurement tool will be Insight Data Dashboard Chronic Absenteeism Reports. 
  7. By June 2025, we will improve the quality of measurable annual goals on an IEP by an increase of 14%, from 71% to 85%, as measured by IEP Review Checklist, IEP Review Protocol and the Measurable Annual Goals Progress Monitoring Report.